Audit and Governance Committee

The Committee is comprised of 6 Members of the Council, but may not include any member of the Cabinet or chair of a scrutiny committee.

The functions of the committee are:

Audit Activity

  • Approve internal audit's strategy and audit plan.
  • Approve the Audit Charter and the Quality Assurance & Improvement Programme.
  • Consider reports dealing with the management and performance of Internal Audit.
  • Consider the level of assurance Internal Audit can give over the Council's corporate governance arrangements.
  • Consider periodic reports from Internal Audit on the main issues arising from their work and "fundamental" recommendations not implemented within a reasonable timescale and seek assurance that action has been taken where necessary.
  • Consider the reports of the External Auditor and monitor the implementation of any recommendations made.

Regulatory Framework

  • Consider the internal control environment and the level of assurance that may be given as to its effectiveness, to include approval of the Annual Governance Statement.
  • Satisfy itself that the authority's assurance statements, including the Annual Governance Statement, properly reflect the risk environment and any actions required to improve it.
  • Monitor the effectiveness of the authority's risk management arrangements, including the actions taken to manage risks and to receive regular reports on risk management.
  • Monitor the effective development and operation of the corporate governance framework in the Council and to recommend to the Cabinet or the Council, as appropriate, the actions necessary to ensure compliance with best practice.
  • Monitor the effectiveness of the Council's policies and arrangements for anti-fraud and bribery, money laundering and confidential reporting.
  • Consider the Council's annual Regulation of Investigatory Powers report.


  • Approve the financial statements following consideration of the External Auditor's opinion and reports to Members.


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