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The Housing Services Department comprises of several key areas. Further information and contact details for each department are listed below:
The Allocations Team are responsible for processing applications, assessing re-housing priority, the administration of the housing register, making offers of accommodation and creating new tenancies. They can assist with Housing Applications for Social Housing Accommodation.
For further information, advice and support, the team can be contacted by;
telephone: 01543 462621 or
email: allocations@cannockchasedc.gov.uk.
Neighbourhoods and Tenancy Sustainment
The Council's Housing Service plays a vital role towards improving conditions for tenants in the District. The Neighbourhoods team are committed to making our estates places where people are proud and happy to live.
Neighbourhoods Team
The team can help if you are affected by Anti-Social Behaviour, Hate Crimes or Domestic Abuse. They can be contacted on 01543 462621 or by email: emteam@cannockchasedc.gov.uk.
The Tenancy Sustainment Service is a free service for new and existing Council tenants who are finding it difficult to manage and maintain their tenancy. The team can be contacted on 01543 462621 or by email tenancysustainment@cannockchasedc.gov.uk.
Income Management
The Income Management Team can help if you have questions about your rent account. They will also provide support and advice if you are struggling to pay.
The team can be contacted on 01543 462621 or by email incomemanagementteam@cannockchasedc.gov.uk.
Repairs and Maintenance
The Housing Maintenance Repairs Department carries out thousands of repairs to Cannock Chase District Council Properties each year.
You can report a repair or submit a maintenance request online by visiting How to Report a Repair. Alternatively, you can contact the team directly on 01543 462621 or by email: housingrepairs@cannockchasedc.gov.uk.
Housing Property Services
Housing Properties Services deal with planned maintenance by working to the Government’s Decent Homes Standard. This includes programmes for external envelope works, electrical upgrades, replacement kitchens & bathrooms and central heating upgrades. The team can also assist with granting permission for tenant alterations.
Housing Properties Services can be contacted on 01543 462621 or by email HPS@cannockchasedc.gov.uk.
Service Improvement
The Service Improvement team covers several areas including policy and performance, resident engagement and supports the complaints process for Housing-related complaints. The team also manages the Council’s new build programme.
Tenant and Resident Engagement
Housing Strategies and Policies
Housing Complaints and Compliments
Strategic Housing
They can be contacted on 01543 462621
or by email:
serviceimprovements@cannockchasedc.gov.uk (for general enquiries)
Residentengagement@cannockchasedc.gov.uk (for resident engagement)
housingformalenquiries@cannockchasedc.gov.uk (for complaints)
strategichousing@cannockchasedc.gov.uk (for strategic housing)
Independent Living
The team manage the Council’s Independent living schemes for persons 55 years of age or over.
Independent Living
For further information call 01543 462621 or email independentliving@cannockchasedc.gov.uk