What is a Social Alarm / Telecare Service?
Social Alarm / Telecare is a solution that makes it possible for people to retain their independence in their own home giving both the client and their families peace of mind that help is on hand should an emergency or problem occur at the touch of a button.
How this works
Cannock Chase Council is working in Partnership with NEW Lifeline Telecare Service, Redditch Borough Council to provide a Social Alarm installation and monitoring service in the Cannock Chase area.
All calls are answered by operators at Redditch BC who provide a 24/7 monitoring service.
Monitoring Centre Operators will speak to clients, assess a situation and call nominated emergency contacts or request 999 emergency help where necessary. 999 services continue to allocate emergency vehicles/support from the local area.
There is an installation team based in Cannock who will assess your equipment needs.
For more information please visit Redditch Borough Councils website www.redditchbc.gov.uk/residents/living/support-at-home/new-lifeline or call 01527 534060 and speak to the NEW Lifeline Telecare Service.