Chase Better Health is a partnership approach between Cannock Chase District Council, Staffordshire county Council and Cannock Chase Clinical Commissioning Group which seeks to shape and build Cannock Chase’s healthy future, by supporting the improvement of health and wellbeing outcomes for residents of the District. In particular Chase Better Health seeks to strive for communities within Cannock Chase that are prosperous, healthy, independent, safe, thriving and cohesive.
In Cannock Chase, Councilor Val Jones is the portfolio holder for health and wellbeing.
We want everyone to be able to make healthier choices, regardless of their circumstances, and to minimise the risk and impact of illness. These pages provide further information on the activities available and the actions you and your family can take to lead a healthy lifestyle.
About Us
A number of the District Council’s existing services and responsibilities already contribute to improving health and wellbeing and reducing inequalities such as environmental health, parks and open spaces, leisure services and community safety and Chase Better Health works collaboratively within the council and with a range of local partners (such as Health and Care Staffordshire) to assess and address the health needs and inequalities in the District, promote healthy living and develop strategies for health improvement.
- Health and Care Staffordshire
As part of the Health and Social Care Act, responsibility for Public Health transferred to Staffordshire County Council from the local NHS as of the 1st April 2013 and means that local government will now be responsible for a range of health services including local health improvement functions.
In Staffordshire the Director for Health and Care, Dr Richard Harling, is supported by Councillor Mike Wilcox who is the Cabinet Member for Health and Care, and Councillor Paul Northcott, Cabinet Support Member - Public Health and Intergrated Care.
Health and Care covers a wide range of services that help to improve the quality of life in Staffordshire which includes work such as nutrition, tobacco, alcohol, drugs recovery, sexual health, pregnancy and children’s health.
The County Council now has a statutory duty to take steps to improve the health of all residents of Staffordshire through:
- Providing population health advice, information and expertise to the Clinical Commissioning Groups to support them in commissioning health services that improve population health and reduce inequalities
- Health protection and assurance
- Sexual Health – commissioning the testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (excluding HIV treatment) and sexual health advice, prevention and promotion
- NHS Health Checks
- National Child Measurement programme to prevent and address obesity
Other areas of work include
- Local programmes to address inactivity and other interventions to promote physical activity
- Commissioning drug misuse and alcohol misuse services
- Commissioning stop smoking services
- Mental health promotion and suicide prevention
Health and Care are also responsible for assurance of a wide range of screening and vaccination programmes, and for making sure the county is prepared in the event of a public health emergency like an outbreak of infectious diseases or major flooding.
The Director of Health and Care is required to produce an independent annual report each year on the health and wellbeing of the population, highlighting key issues together with recommendations for improvements. The report is available for download in PDF format:
- Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Cannock Chase
Since Public Health duties transferred to Staffordshire County Council in April 2013, the District Council, along with partners, has a unique opportunity to make a positive impact on all aspects that make residents healthier and happier. To embrace this opportunity a health and wellbeing strategy was developed as a local response to tackle health and wellbeing issues.
Click here to view the strategy in interactive format
or see below to download in PDF format:
Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2013-2018 .pdf (3.66 MB)
- Healthy Lifestyles
Here in Cannock Chase we are committed to supporting people to prosper, be healthier and happier. It is well known that even the simplest changes can be hugely beneficial to your health. Helping people to maintain and improve their lifestyle helps to reduce the pressure on health services including primary care, community services and hospitals as well as social care.
Healthy lifestyles hub
The Healthy Staffordshire Hub provides information, advice and guidance on how to lead a healthier lifestyle through a self help telephone and web-based healthy lifestyle information, advice and guidance on health topics including stopping smoking, healthy eating, physical activity and drinking less alcohol.
The Hub is one of the main points of access into the Healthy Lifestyles Service and can also provide links to local community nutrition, physical activity and alcohol reduction programmes available in each of the Staffordshire districts. The hub is managed by Staffordshire County Council’s Customer Services Team.
For more information about the Healthy Lifestyles Service, please visit:
- Getting Active
Being active is great for your health, mental wellbeing and general quality of life. Not only can regular exercise help you keep the weight off, more importantly, it will lower your risk of developing a number of major diseases.
Every little bit of physical activity in your daily routine helps and being physically active is easier than you think. To stay healthy, you are recommended to do activities that get you out of breath everyday but it’s probably best to start slowly, even standing up more will help, and then build up over time.
So no matter if you simply stand and walk more or play competitive sport and everything in between you are doing your health the world of good.
If you live in Cannock Chase you can access the Healthy Staffordshire Hub. The hub provides self help telephone and web-based healthy lifestyle information, advice and guidance on health topics including stopping smoking, healthy eating, physical activity and drinking less alcohol.
call 0300 111 8006.
The Hub is one of the main points of access into the Healthy Lifestyles Service and can also provide links to local community nutrition, physical activity and alcohol reduction programmes available in each of the Staffordshire districts.
- Achieving Your Healthy Weight
Whatever your age, being smart about the choices you make around what you eat can help you to lead a healthier, happier life.
Healthy eating will help you get the right balance of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. It is one of the best things you can do prevent and control many problems such as Type II diabetes, some cancers and heart disease. Eating a healthy balanced and varied diet is also important in helping you to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
If you live in Cannock Chase you can access the Healthy Staffordshire Hub. The hub provides self help telephone and web-based healthy lifestyle information, advice and guidance on health topics including stopping smoking, healthy eating, physical activity and drinking less alcohol.
Click here to access the Hub or call 0300 111 8006.
The Hub is one of the main points of access into the Healthy Lifestyles Service and can also provide links to local community nutrition, physical activity and alcohol reduction programmes available in each of the Staffordshire districts.
The new eat well plate:
- Stopping Smoking
Stopping smoking can bring some great rewards. Not only will it mean a reduced risk to your health, but you could look better, feel better and have more time and money to spend on doing other things.
Quitting is the best thing you'll ever do and best of all you don't have to quit smoking alone. There is lots of free support on offer, to support you to quit and it's much easier to do it with the right information, advice and support.
If you live in Cannock Chase you can access the Healthy Staffordshire Hub. The hub provides self help telephone and web-based healthy lifestyle information, advice and guidance on health topics including stopping smoking, healthy eating, physical activity and drinking less alcohol.
Click here to access the Hub or call 0300 111 8006.
The Hub is one of the main points of access into the Healthy Lifestyles Service (link page) and can also provide links to local community nutrition, physical activity and alcohol reduction programmes available in each of the Staffordshire districts.
- Reducing Your Alcohol Intake
Cutting down on alcohol can bring some great rewards. Not only will it mean a reduced risk to your health, but you could look better, feel better and have more time to spend on doing other things.
Drinking moderate amounts of alcohol doesn't often cause any problems, but drinking too much can be harmful to your health.
The Department of Health advises that men should not drink more than three to four units of alcohol per day, and women should drink no more than two to three units of alcohol per day.Many medical experts recommend taking regular days off from drinking to ensure you don't become addicted to alcohol.
This is one unit of alcohol:
And each one of these is more than one unit:
You can find out exactly how many units of alcohol are in the bottle by reading the label.
Alcohol is the most widely used mood-altering substance in the UK. When used irresponsibly it can cause immense harm to users, their families, friends and communities. Alcohol is a priority for both health and community safety partners in Staffordshire. Partnership work to reduce this harm is undertaken across three key themes:
- Education and prevention
- Treatment and aftercare
- Local enforcement of alcohol-related legislation
If you are worried about your own, or someone else’s drinking, the following services can provide you with expert information, support and guidance.
- T3 can offer support for people under 18 (https://www.staffstreatmentandrecovery.co.uk/how-we-help/t3-stars-young-peoples-service/)
- One Recovery offers specialist drug and alcohol support for over 18’s and pregnant women. (http://www.adsolutions.org.uk/onerecoverystaffordshire)
- The Healthy Staffordshire Hub offers self help telephone and web-based healthy lifestyle information, advice and guidance and can refer to the Healthy Lifestyle Service.
- NHS Health Check
What is an NHS Health Check?
The NHS Health Check is for anyone aged between 40 and 74 years who may be at risk of cardiovascular disease.
Cardiovascular disease includes heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and kidney disease. If you're invited for an NHS Health Check it is really important you attend as these diseases cause more people to die before their time than any other (before age 65). The risk of disease can often be reduced dramatically by simple lifestyle changes or the proper medical treatment.
Your invitation will normally come from your GP by letter or you can enquire at your practice to see if you are eligible.
Eligible people must be aged 40 -74 years and not have existing disease or established risk factors (e.g. high blood pressure). When you attend you'll be offered a series of routine tests that will help identify your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and type 2 diabetes and offered support if you want to make lifestyle changes (for example; losing weight, becoming more active or stopping smoking). For more information, contact your GP.
Look out for the NHS health checks logo as seen in theNHS Health Check (96.5KB)
- Improving Sexual Health
The Sexual Health Service provides confidential and non-judgmental advice, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and health promotion for all aspects of sexual health.
Sexual health services include access to contraception, testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, support and information about safer sexual relationships.
Most sexually transmitted infections are treated easily with antibiotics or creams you apply to the affected area. As with any infection, the earlier you start treatment the more effective the treatment is.
Poor sexual health can impact on your physical and emotional health.
There are a number of ways you can get sexual health information, advice and treatment in Cannock Chase. If you are worried about symptoms or would just like information, contact your doctor, a local pharmacist or a sexual health service.
Remember, there is no need to feel embarrassed or worried about contacting any of the services, the staff are there to help you. Services are confidential and you don’t have to give your real name, but make sure that the service can contact you to give you the results of any tests. The sooner you contact one of the services, the quicker you can receive appropriate support and reduce any worries you may have.
The details of all sexual health services can be found on the The Healthy Staffordshire Hub
Useful Links
- What's On
Chase Community Partnership has funded the following programmes which are available to Cannock Chase residents and encourage a healthy active lifestyle.
Chase Fit
This resource will help you find routes, join walking groups and get active outside. Walking is a free and fantastic form of exercise for all ages. There are a range of walks, walking groups, self led walks and activities for families available. Walking can improve all aspects of your wellbeing and help you to live a healthier lifestyle.
To find out more about Chase Fit, visit the website or contact:
Hettie Piggott
Tel: 07917 505854
Email: h.pigott@wlct.org
Doorstep Active
The Doorstep Active programme, run by Inspiring Healthy Lifestyles, offers low cost activities to get people fit close to home. Exercise classes such as Pilates, aerobics, dance are just £1 a session with something to suit people across all fitness levels.
Classes have already started at Brereton and Ravenhill Parish Hall every Tuesday from 11.30am-12.30pm and at Rugeley Rose Theatre every Wednesday from 6pm-7pm. More will be starting soon in Hednesford, Cannock and Norton Canes.
To find out more about Doorstep Active, contact:
George Gaye
Tel: 01889 586260
Email: activelivingcannock@wlct.org
The Longford Centre
The Longford Centre are delivering a programme of healthy eating and physical activity sessions to help promote a healthy lifestyle from its new community facilities at the centre. Sessions will cover:
- Cooking from scratch
- Cooking on a budget
- Improving diets
- Coping with cravings
- Coping with boredom
- Planning a change
- Chair based exercise for the elderly / infirm to high energy exercise classes
To find out more about these sessions, contact:
Ian Bossons
Tel: 07816 510446
Email: Ian.Bossons@northfieldcentre.co.uk
Staffordshire Athletics Network
Would you like to start running? Staffordshire Athletics Network is holding a series of begging running courses across the District for all over the age of 16. It is a free 6 week course that is led by friendly qualified instructors which will take you from walking to jogging / running and has so far taken place at Hednesford Park and Chasewater.
To find out when the next beginner running group will take place and to book your place, contact:
Catherine Pendlebury
Tel: cpendlebury@btinternet.com
Email: 07800 619 841
Staffordshire Wildlife Trust
Staffordshire Wildlife Trust are holding a series of nature discovery events and are giving people the opportunity to become involved in practical conservation tasks around the grounds of the Wolseley Centre and on Cannock Chase. Sessions will be held during weekdays, weekends and during school holidays, to find out how you could be a pat of this contact:
Victoria Liu
Tel: 01889 880142 / 07866 973311
Email: v.liu@staffs-wildlife.org.uk
Friends of Hednesford Park
Do you want to be involved in the redevelopment of the Hednesford Park signal box? In time this will become an educational space for the community and there are currently opportunities to be involved with the renovation work. If you fancy doing something different at the park you could consider taking part in their courses which have so far included willow weaving, making raised bed planters, learning about food hygiene, improving maths and English skills…the list goes on! For more information on the next course please contact:
Lynn Evans
Tel: 07896 239717 / 01543 424600
Email: scattyapple@aol.com
- Finding Local Health Services and Useful Links
NHS Choices has all the information on finding services in your area including:
The following websites are useful national resources: