Compost at home
Cannock Chase Council, along with other Staffordshire Councils, are part of a scheme that allows householders to buy subsidised compost bins. Compost bins can be bought for as little as £10.00 for a 220 litre version, or £12.50 for a 330 litre version. A 100 litre water butt kit can also be bought for £28.98. Have a look by following this link to 'Get composting'
Please note that we are a partner organisation of this scheme. Composters are supplied by 'Get Composting' and not by the Council.
Why Compost at Home
Home composting is the most sustainable way to manage and dispose of garden waste and some food waste (uncooked vegetable peelings etc).
As a nation we produce around 30 million tonnes of household rubbish each year and over half of this waste can be easily recycled. In fact, over one third of the contents of an average UK household bin can be home composted, not to mention all the garden waste that can be added to a compost bin. Yet many people still do not recognise how important and simple this is to do.
At first it may take up to six months before you start producing usable compost. But once you get going you will have a constant supply of compost made from your own garden and food waste.
For advice and information about home composting, please visit: