Parks & Open Spaces

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Welcome to Parks and Open Spaces

Grass Cutting Statement 2024

Following the extremely mild winter and warm April and May the grass growth on highways and open spaces is causing some issues at the moment. The wet and warm days is  encouraging grass growth which machines are struggling to cope with. There has also been one ride on mowing machine broken down for 4 weeks and our suppliers are working with us to get parts ordered and get the mower operational again. We are conscious that the grass is longer that we normally maintain it at, but this is because of the extremely good growing conditions meaning the grass is longer when we get to it. We apologise if this looks unkempt in certain areas, but we are systematically working through all of these areas albeit at a slower rate.  Visibility splays and rural grass cutting is contracted out and these too will be cut in the next 2 weeks as we attempt to increase the frequency of our cuts to an 18 day cycle.  Thank you for your patience.

Please see the guidance at the bottom of this page relating to the use of play areas.

Play areas which are run by us are as follows:

Name of site 
Union StreetBridgtown
Cannock ParkCannock
Bevan LeaCannock
Bunyan PlaceCannock
Monarch WayCannock
The Stadium, Pye Green RoadCannock
Wrights AveCannock
Kelvin DriveCannock
Barnard WayCannock
Oxford RoadCannock
Oxford GreenCannock
Wellington DriveCannock
Laburnum AveCannock
Hayes WayCannock
Meadow WayCannock
Matlock DriveCannock
Williamson AveCannock wood
Boston CloseHeath Hayes
Arthur StreetHeath Hayes
Heath Hayes ParkHeath Hayes
West GateHednesford
St Thomas DriveHednesford
Hednesford ParkHednesford
Bracken CloseHednesford
Cotswold RoadHednesford
Bond WayHednesford
Lingfield RoadNorton canes
Bettys LaneNorton canes
Chapel StreetNorton canes
Brownhills roadNorton canes
Chester RoadRugeley
Flaxley RoadRugeley
Green LaneRugeley
Rugeley Leisure CentreRugeley
Elizabeth RoadRugeley
Fortescue RoadRugeley
Elmore ParkRugeley
Jefferies CloseRugeley
Swallow CloseRugeley
Ravenhill ParkRugeley

Guidance on Access to Green Spaces - From GOV.UK

There are over 1,000 Hectares of parks, open spaces, sports grounds, nature conservation areas and play areas in Cannock Chase District, not to mention the 1,214 Hectares Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty known as Cannock Chase.

Whatever your recreational interests are you will be sure to find something suitable near you.

Green Flag Awards

The Council currently has six sites that have achieved the Green Flag Awards standards. Green Flag is the quality award for Parks and Open Spaces and the Council is committed to retaining, and if possible, increasing the number of sites.

Green Flag Sites are judged on the following 8 Key Criteria:-

  • A Welcoming Place
  • Healthy, Safe and Secure
  • Well Maintained and Clean
  • Environmental Management
  • Biodiversity, Landscape and Heritage
  • Community Involvement
  • Marketing and Communication
  • Management

The following link will take you to the Green Flag Award Website : Green Flag Award | Keep Britain Tidy

Guidance for families using Council play areas

Please read these simple instructions before using our play areas.

  • Parents must read this guidance and ensure their families follow it carefully for the safety of their children and others.
  • In order to reduce the transmission of Covid it is considered that there is a limit on the number of users per site-please observe this limit.
  • This equipment is checked regularly for damage and wear and tear, but is NOT sanitised on a regular basis. Only high touch points will be sanitised e.g.  gates
  • This is shared equipment, used at your own risk and it is advisable to wipe down equipment/facilities before and after use. 
  • Do not use this equipment if you or any member of your household has coronavirus symptoms, or are self-isolating. 
  • You are advised that children should not use this equipment if they are clinically or extremely clinically vulnerable. 
  • Make sure you have hand sanitiser with you before entering the play area. If during play your children’s hands get dirty please wash using bottled water.
  • Encourage everyone in your family to wash their hands and use hand sanitiser regularly and as a minimum before and after using the play area. 
  • Please ensure that there is only one adult per child and encourage children to avoid touching their faces. 
  • You MUST maintain social distancing from others unless they are from the same household - current advice is to maintain at least 1m and consider wearing a face covering/mask where appropriate. Users should wash their hands before putting face coverings/masks on and taking them off. 
  • Some equipment can only be used by one child at a time while social distancing.  Please ensure your family waits at a safe distance if the equipment is in use or return later to use the equipment.
  • Try to avoid busy times as there is only a limited amount of users allowed on the play equipment at any one time. 
  • If your family is wearing disposable PPE, please take it home with you or where provided use the bins – PLEASE DON’T LITTER. 
  • Consumption of food and drink in the play area is not permitted until further notice.
  • Strictly no BBQs are allowed in Parks and Play Areas.

Guidance for using Using Green Gym equipment

Please read these simple instructions before using our Green Gym equipment.

  1. Please read this guidance and follow it carefully.
  2. In order to reduce the transmission of Covid it is considered that only 1 person can use the equipment at any one time.
  3. This equipment is checked regularly for damage and wear and tear, but is NOT sanitised on a regular basis. Only high touch points will be sanitised. 
  4. This is shared equipment, used at your own risk and it is advisable to wipe down equipment/facilities before and after use.
  5. Do not use this equipment if you or any member of your household has coronavirus symptoms, or are self-isolating. 
  6. You are advised that you should not use this equipment if you are clinically vulnerable or extremely clinically vulnerable. 
  7. Make sure you have hand sanitiser with you before using the equipment.
  8. Encourage everyone in your family to wash their hands and use hand sanitiser regularly and as a minimum before and after using the equipment. 
  9. You MUST maintain social distancing from others unless they are from the same household - current advice is to maintain at least 1m apart and consider wearing a face covering and users should wash their hands before putting them on and taking them off.
  10. Try to avoid busy times. 
  11. If you are wearing disposable PPE, please take it home with you or where provided use the bins – PLEASE DON’T LITTER. 
  12. Consumption of food and drink whilst using the equipment is not permitted until further notice.
  13. Wash your hands when you get home. 
Last Updated:

A to Z of Services