We appreciate that during this difficult time you will have to make important decisions about the funeral you would like and if you would like any information or if you have any concerns please contact Bereavement Services on 01543 462621.
If you are experiencing financial difficulty with the cost of a funeral, you can access the funeral expenses payment scheme which is operated through the department of work and pensions. Please refer to https://www.gov.uk/funeral-payments for advice.
For further help and advice there are organisations which can help:-
Bereavement Services Association www.bsauk.org
Beyond Life www.beyond.life/help-centre
Cruse - email: southstaffordshire@cruse.org.uk
Cannock Cemetery
Cemetery Lodge,
160 Pye Green Road,
Staffs WS11 5SJ
Cannock Chase Cemetery
Norton Road
Heath Hayes, Cannock,
Staffs. WS12 3HJ
Rugeley Cemetery
Wolseley Road,
WS15 2EW
Stile Cop Cemetery
Cemetery Lodge,
Stile Cop Road,
Staffs. WS15 1ND
Churchyards in the District
- St. Peter's Churchyard, Hednesford (part of)
- St. Augustine's Churchyard, Rugeley
- Old Chancel, Rugeley
- St. James Churchyard, Norton Canes (part of)
- St. Luke's Churchyard, Cannock
- St. Joseph and St. Etheldreda, Rugeley
- Opening Times
1st April to 30th September 9.00 am - 8.00 pm
1st October to 31st March 9.00am - 4.00pm
- Rules, Leaflets and FAQ's
You can download the following leaflets and information sheets below.
- Cemetery Rules and Regulations
- Cemeteries - FAQ
- Bereavement Services - What We Do
- Your Rights & Responsibilties
- Burial on Private Land
For further information telephone Bereavement Services on 01543 462621 or email bereavementservices@cannockchasedc.gov.uk
Cemetery Rules and Regulation pdf (0.8Mb)
FAQ's .pdf (1.39 MB)
Bereavement Services - What We Do .pdf (5.84 MB)
Your Rights and Responsibilities .pdf (2.36 MB)
Burial on Private Land .pdf (2.68 MB)
- Fees and Charges
Burial Charges as from 1st April 2024 Cannock and Rugeley
All burial fees are doubled for non residents of Council's District (Exclusions apply)
Purchase and Interment Fees for Burials
Purchase of Grave Space at Stile Cop Cemetery - £1026.00
Purchase of Grave Space at Cannock Chase Cemetery - £1038.00
Excavation of a grave for a child including interment if the child was under 18 or still born after 24 weeks - Nil
Excavation of a grave for one including interment - £415.00
Excavation of a grave for two including first interment - £822.00
Re-open of a purchased grave including interment - £685.00
Excavation of Public Grave - £509.00
Coffins over 6' 8" in length - £85.00
Coffins over 28" in width - £85.00
Failure to provide Interment Form 48 hours before the interment - £72.00Purchase and Interment Fees for Cremated Remains
Purchase of Grave Space for Cremated Remains - £1028.00
Excavation of grave for cremated remains including interment - £278.00
Re-open of purchased grave for cremated remains including interment - £278.00
Purchase of Cremated Remains plot - £509.00
Purchase and interment of cremated remains plot for a child if the child was under 18 or still born after 24 weeks - Nil
Excavation and interment of cremated remains - £278.00
Re- open of purchased cremated remains plot including interment - £278.00
Scattering of Cremated Remains - £112.00
Walled Graves, Vaults and American Style Caskets
Purchase of grave space - £1584.00
Excavation of grave for one including interment - £636.00
Excavation of grave for two including first interment - £954.00
ExhumationsBurial - Actual Cost
Cremated Remains - Actual Cost
Headstone or other approved memorial - £307.00
Additional inscription on a headstone - £140.00
Cremated Remains Plaque - £191.00
Stone Vase - £143.40
Additional Inscription on a cremated remains plaque - £117.00
Stone Vase - £152.00