Countryside Service

Cannock Chase Council Countryside Service manages 19 sites covering over 260 hectares  (640 acres) of land that caters for in excess of one million visitors a year. The majority of these sites are of high nature conservation value, with many of the sites being recognised for their national importance for wildlife.



The service is a specialist team within Parks and Open Spaces that seeks to maintain the nature conservation value of sites within Cannock Chase District whilst integrating wildlife management with the potentially competing demands of informal recreation. It is also part of the Countryside Services role to provide specialist ecological advice to Cannock Chase Council’s Planning Department and the general public.

The sites that the service are responsible for range from old railway lines and colliery spoil heaps to heathland, grassland and woodland sites. This includes one SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest), a Green Flag award winning SAM (Scheduled Ancient Monument), Local Nature Reserves and SBI’s (Sites of Biological Interest).

The service provides valuable work experience placements for people wanting to enter the profession as well as a weekly community volunteer day on Fridays.

For up to date information find us on our Facebook page: Cannock Chase Council Countryside Service

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