Helpful Information for Blind/Partially Sighted Residents

Help for our blind or partially sighted residents

If you know a blind or partially sighted friend/relative, we would appreciate you passing on this information to them.

Along with our new blue recycling wheelie bin, we have also introduced a new 'notch' system to help our blind or partially sighted residents to identify which bin is for which type of waste.

In conjunction with advice from the Royal National Institute for the Blind, any new green/brown/blue standard sized bins (240 litre) that are issued as either replacement bins or to a new property will have notches of plastic removed from the lid.

So, as you face your bin:

Green bin with arrows pointing to where notches are removed either side of the front of the lid


The green bin will have a notch removed either side of the front of the lid




Brown bin with arrow showing where the notch is removed on the left hand side of the lid


The brown bin will have a notch removed on the left hand side of the front of the lid




Blue bin with arrow showing where notch is removed on right hand side of front of lid


The blue bin will have a notch removed on the right hand side of the front of the lid


Last Updated:

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