Right To Buy

Calculating cost of buying your home

Right to Buy your Council property

Right to Buy allows most council tenants to buy their council home at a discount.

The rules for Right to buy (RTB) are changing on 21 November 2024.  From this date the maximum discount you can get, is whichever is lower:

70% of the value of your property
the maximum discount for your region, which is £26,000 for tenants residing within the Cannock Chase Council district.

The discount is based on:
•    the type of property you’re buying - a flat or house
•    the value of your home
•    how long you’ve been a tenant with a public sector landlord

Applications for the Right to Buy received before 21 November 2024, from eligible tenants will retain the current discounts.

The Right to Buy is available to secure Council tenants who wish to purchase the home they live in.  The Department for Communities and Local Government has produced a range of information on this topic which is available through the following link: https://www.gov.uk/right-to-buy-buying-your-council-home

Under the Right to Buy scheme, you can buy your home at a price lower than the full market value.  This is because the length of time you have spent as a tenant entitles you to a discount.

You can apply to buy your council home if:

  • it’s your only or main home
  • it’s self-contained
  • you’re a secure tenant
  • you've been a public sector tenant for at least 3 years

Joint applications

You can make a joint application with:

  • someone who shares your tenancy
  • up to 3 family members who’ve lived with you for the past 12 months (even if they don’t share your tenancy)

For further information view the sections below or contact Housing Property Services on Tel: 01543 462621 or email: hps@cannockchasedc.gov.uk

Alternatively, you can download the Right to Buy Summary Booklet. 

Applying and Procedure

Start by asking us for a Right to Buy claim form (Form RTB1). Call 01543 462621 and ask for Housing Property Services.

Alternatively, you can download the form yourself by using the link below: 

Notice claiming the Right to Buy (RTB1 form)

You should fill the form in carefully as the information will be used to decide whether you have the Right to Buy and how much discount you are entitled to.  Once we receive your completed form (Form RTB1) we will contact you to arrange an interview with you at your home.

The Council will then send you Form RTB2 telling you whether or not you have the Right to Buy within 4 weeks from the date on which they received your RTB1 form (or within 8 weeks if you have been a tenant of the Council for less than 2 years).

If the Council agrees to sell your home to you, it will arrange for a valuation of your home to be carried out. Once this has been done, the Council will send you a Section 125 Notice which tells you the price you will have to pay for your home and any other terms and conditions of the sale.

The Council must send you this within 8 weeks of the date of the RTB2 form if your home is a house/bungalow and you are buying the freehold or within 12 weeks if your home is a flat or maisonette.

When you receive the Section 125 Notice, you may feel that the valuation of your home is too high. If you do, you can ask for a redetermination of the valuation by the District Valuer. If you want to do this you must let us know within 12 weeks of receiving the Section 125 Notice. The District Valuer's valuation will be the one that counts. Even if it is higher than the original valuation, you will have to accept it or withdraw your application to buy your home.

You have 12 weeks from the date of the Section 125 Notice to tell the Council whether you want to proceed with the purchase of your home or withdraw your application by completing Form RTB14. If you do not let us know what you intend to do in time, we will send you a reminder. If you do not reply within 28 days of the reminder, the Council will assume you don't want to buy your property and it will deem your 
application to have been withdrawn.

You don't have to buy your home just because you have told the Council you want to but if you do not tell the Council what you want to do, we will think you don't want to buy and you will have to start all over again. If the value of your home has gone up in the meantime, you will have to pay the higher price.

When we receive Form RTB14, the Council will instruct its Solicitor to liaise with your Solicitor about 
completion of the sale. You should ask your Solicitor for advice on the legal documents and making your payment.

Most sales go through relatively quickly but sometimes there are problems or delays. If the Council does not send you Form RTB2 or the Section 125 Notice within the times specified, you may be allowed a 
reduction in the purchase price. To get this, you must fill in RTB6 and send it to the Council. You must give the Council at least one month to take the next step in the sale process.

The Council may send you a counter notice if it has already served you with a Response Notice or a Section 125 Notice or if there is no action that it can take to speed up the sale.

If the Council does not send you a counter notice within the time allowed, you can send the Council Form RTB8. The rent you pay while the delay goes on will then be taken off the price you have to pay for your home.

All the forms you need are available from the Council - Please contact Housing Property Services on 01543 462621 or by email HPS@cannockchasedc.gov.uk

Further information can be found in the Right to Buy Information Booklet, which can be downloaded below. This document is to help you understand your rights, and provides you with important information if you are considering exercising your right to buy your home. 

Last Updated:

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