Planning Control Committee

The Planning Control Committee is comprised of 13 Members of the Council and has the following functions:

  1. Determining applications made under the Town and Country Planning Acts (applications for planning permission, approval of reserved matters, listed building consent, conservation area consent, consent to display advertisements, certification of lawful use for development, applications for prior notification of agricultural, forestry, telecommunications development and demolition) other than those delegated to officers under the Scheme of Delegation to Officers.
  2. Making comments on an application made to Staffordshire County Council and adjoining local planning authorities.
  3. Enforcement of planning protocol.
  4. The confirmation of Tree Preservation Orders where there are unresolved objections.
  5. Providing 'screening' and 'scoping' opinions on behalf of the Council under the terms of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 1999.


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