
The Council (also referred to as 'full Council' in this context)  is comprised all 36 Members of the Council and is the senior decision making body of the authority.

The full Council is responsible for:

  1. Adopting and changing the Constitution or any part of it.
  2. Approving or adopting the Policy Framework and the Budget (the details of the Policy Framework and Budget are set out in section 4 of the Council's Constitution).
  3. Making any decision which is contrary to the approved Policy Framework and/or approved Budget.
  4. Considering and approving any amendments to the Policy Framework and Budget in accordance with the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules.
  5. Electing the Leader of the Council and receving notification from the Leader of the Council of the number and identity of the Cabinet members and their portfolios and the identity of the Deputy Leader.
  6. Receiving notification from the Leader of the Opposition on the number and nature of the Shadow Cabinet portfolios and the identity of the Shadow Cabinet members.
  7. Agreeing and / or amending the terms of reference for committees, deciding on their composition and making appointments to them.
  8. Appointing representatives to outside bodies in accordance with the provisions specified in Part 4 of the Constitution, unless the appointment is an executive function or has been delegated by the Council.
  9. Adopting a Members' Allowances Scheme.
  10. Changing the name of the area.
  11. Determining electoral matters which fall within the remit of the Council.
  12. Confirming the appointment of and removal of the three statutory officers - Head of Paid Service, the Monitoring Officer, and the 'S151' Officer (Chief Finance Officer).
  13. Making, amending, revoking, re-enacting or adopting bylaws and promoting or opposing the making of local legislation.
  14. And all other matters which, by law, must be reserved to the Council.  This includes all those functions defined by either statue or section 13 of the Constitution as 'non-executive' functions.


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