Replacement Dog Control Order approved across the District

Published: Wednesday, 21st September 2022

Cannock Chase Council’s Cabinet have approved a new Dog Control Order, revoking and replacing the existing Order. 

The Public Spaces Protection Order (Dog Control), made under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014,  imposes the following requirements on dog owners:

If a dog fouls and the person who is in charge of the dog at that time fails to pick up the faeces, then the person is guilty of an offence.

Owners must keep dogs on a lead, within three metres of a carriageway and must place their dog on a lead when requested to do so by an authorised officer or Police Officer. 

Maximum number of dogs to be walked or exercised by one person, is six,

Dogs are excluded from childrens’  play areas.

A consultation exercise had previously highlighted a number of areas from which dogs were not excluded, such as  tennis courts, multi use games areas, skateboard parks, cycle tracks, war memorials and some newer childrens’  play areas, all of which are now covered. 

The new Order also allows for  Parks and Open Spaces Officers to enforce the new measures. 

Councillor Justin Johnson, Portfolio Leader for Environment and Climate change said “I am pleased that the Order has been updated  to include additional areas across the District.  Also the facility for Parks and Open Spaces Officers to enforce the order is a definite improvement as they will be present on site and can deal with issues as they arise, keeping our open spaces safe and clean for everyone to enjoy.  Whilst the Council recognises that the vast majority of dog owners are responsible, where we do find elements of anti-social behaviour we will ensure the Order is enforced.” 


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