Welcome to our families page. This page is where you can find out about regular local activities and events and useful contact information for families (Please note these groups and contacts are run by external bodies and are not affiliated to Cannock Chase District Council).
- Useful Contacts for families
- Action for Neuroviversity -Stronger Together
Do you have a child who is neuroviverse or has traits of neurodiversity? Join our informal support group for parents and carers...Autism, ADHD, Dyspraxia, Intellectual Disability, Dyslexia, Tourettes Syndrome, Tics
Starting 6th October, every 1st Friday of the month, 10am-12pm, Pye Green Community Centre, Bradbury Lane, Hednesford, WS12 4EP. For more information call 01782 977877
- Aiming High
Aiming High is a programme of activities and short breaks for children and young people aged 0-18 years old with a special educational need/disability (SEND) who live in Staffordshire. An Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) is not needed to take part in these activities.
The programme is designed to boost children and young people's confidence and independence. Some activities are open to the whole family while other activities are suitable for children and young people to attend independently.
Activities include: Sensort experiences, day trips, sports, youth clubs, nature and outdoor activities and much more.
To find out more vist the website or call 0300 111 8007 (option 2, then option 3) or email sendreferrals@staffordshire.gov.uk
- Cannock Chase Children's Centre
Children’s Centres provide activities, services, information and advice to all families with children. You can find support for families, activities and there is also a nursery. To find more information visit the website or the Facebook page or call 07581 212685
- Chase Fit Families
Having fun outdoors is a fantastic way to be active with the whole family! Cannock Chase has lots of fun places for you and your family to explore Birches Valley, Marquis Drive , Hednesford Park to name a few. To find out more visit the website
- SNAP - Special Needs Adventure Playground
The Special Needs Adventure Playground provides a safe, secure and non-judgemental play area for children and adults with special needs. Siblings without special needs are also welcome. To find out more visit the website
- SEND IASS - Staffordshire Family Partnership
SEND IASS is Staffordshire's Special Education Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service and provide free, impartial, confidential advice and support around Education, Health and Social Care.
The team supports Parents and Carers of Children and Young People with SEND (0-25) and also Children and Young People with SEND. To find out more visit the website
- Staffordshire Umbrella Network (SUN)
Sun is a networking group looking at issues affecting children and young people with special educational needs and their families.
The network provides an opportunity for parents, carers, young people, voluntary groups and agencies - such as education, social care and health -to get together and help to make a real difference to the quality of services and people's lives in the community. To find out more information visit the website
- Staffordshire Libraries
Staffordshire Libraries host activites for the family including Baby Bounce and Rhyme and Storytelling. To find out what is happening at your local library vist the website
- The Museum of Cannock Chase
The Museum of Cannock Chase is a great day out for the whole family, whether you are interested in local coal mining, want a hands-on experience of the history of toys or fancy reminiscing about Granny's front room, we've got something for everyone. Our local history gallery tells the story of the area, and our temporary exhibitions programme and year round programme of events means there is always something new to see and do. We are open all year round, except for two weeks at Christmas and New Year. General admission is free, but charges apply for some services an activities. To find out more visit the website or call 01543 877666
- West Chadsmoor Family Centre
Supporting Children and Families to Meet. Learn. Play. Grow. A range of activities and services for parents and children, as well as holiday events. For more information call 01543 571698 or email Hello_WCFC@outlook.com To find out what actvities are on at the Family Centre visit the website or the Facebook page