Cannock Chase Community Partnership

The Cannock Chase Community Safety Partnership (CSP) is a statutory requirement under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998.  


The Cannock Chase Community Safety Partnership (CSP) is made up of Responsible Authority partners that by law must work together in partnership to reduce crime, disorder, substance misuse and re-offending.  The Responsible Authority partners are: Local Authority, County Council, Police, Fire and Rescue, Probation Service and the Integrated Care Board.

The CSP is responsible for compliance with the statutory duties and responsibilities set out in the following legislation and in subsequent Home Office regulations: 

•    Crime and Disorder Act 1998; 

•    Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004;

•    Police and Justice Act 2006;

•    Policing and Crime Act 2009;

•    Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014;

•    Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015.

The CSP is committed to: 

•    Reducing and preventing crime;

•    Reducing the fear of crime;

•    Reducing anti-social behaviour (ASB) and perceptions linked to ASB; 

•    Reducing re-offending;

•    Combatting the misuse of drugs, alcohol and other substances in our community;

•    Reducing domestic abuse;

•    Safeguarding vulnerable people and places;

•    Ensuring services are delivered in a cohesive, focused way across all agencies.

The CSP will have responsibility for: 

•    Influencing and agreeing the priorities set out in the annual Community Safety Strategic Assessment (CSSA);

•    Utilising the CSSA to produce the annual Community Safety Delivery Plan (CSDP);

•    Committing resources from their organisation to support the delivery of the CSDP;

•    Overseeing financial management and assisting with blockages to delivery;

•    Setting clear objectives, targets and responsibilities for sub-groups;

•    Ensuring there is clear communication between partners and all sub-groups;

•    Ensuring that necessary information is shared with other partners and the community;

•    Assisting with Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHR) following the death of a domestic violence victim; 

•    Communicating and championing the work of the CSP within individual agencies;

•    Ensuring that partnership organisations take responsibility for the provision of agreed data to the CSP for the strategic assessment and performance monitoring; in line with the agreed information sharing protocol;

•    Ensuring a ‘Place Based Approach’ to working together to make best use of collective time, money and resources;

•    Ensuring local people and organisations are at the heart of developing solutions to local issues.

Community Safety Hub

The Council’s Partnership team is responsible for ensuring that the Council fulfils its duties and roles in the Local Strategic Partnership (LSP), both as a partner and responsible authority. The team is also responsible for coordinating partnership working across Cannock Chase District.

The main role of the Partnership team is the Community Safety Hub (CSH) which currently takes place virtually via Microsoft Teams every Tuesday at 10am. 

The CSH is a multi-agency meeting that has a tasking and coordinating role. It aims to improve community safety across the District by identifying and addressing crime, disorder and vulnerability issues.

The CSH tackles community safety issues that require multi-agency attention which are more difficult to address through traditional working methods. Real time intelligence is used to identify issues and problem-solving approaches are discussed and applied using partner agencies expertise and resources.

The CSH fulfils all four of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s (PCC) key priorities:

  • Early Intervention - tackling the root causes before they become a problem.
  • Supporting Victims and Witnesses - making it easier for victims and witnesses to get the support they need locally.
  • Managing Offenders - preventing offending in the first place and reducing the likelihood of re-offending.
  • Increasing Public Confidence - making sure everything that happens in partnership contributes to individuals and communities feeling safer and reassured.

Referrals to the CSH are taken from all partner agencies including police, fire, public health, charities, local authorities etc . Referrals can include domestic abuse, anti-social behaviour, offender management, child sexual exploitation, mental health issues, licensing issues, planned evictions, community triggers, drugs and substance misuse etc. 

To find out more about the Communty Safety Hub download a copy of the Terms and Conditions below. 


Community Safety Hub Terms & Conditions .pdf (495 KB)

Domestic Homicide Reviews

Community Safety Partnerships are statutorily responsible under section 9 of the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act (2004) for undertaking domestic homicide reviews where the death of a person aged 16 or over has, or appears to have, resulted from violence, abuse or neglect by a relative, household member or someone he or she has been in an intimate relationship with.

A review panel, led by an independent chair and consisting of representatives from statutory and voluntary agencies is commissioned to undertake the domestic homicide review. The panel reviews each agency's involvement in the case and makes recommendations to improve responses in the future. The panel will also consider information from the victim's family, friends and work colleagues.

Domestic homicide reviews are not enquiries into how someone died or who is to blame, nor do they form part of a disciplinary process. They do not replace, but are in addition to, an inquest and any other form of enquiry into a homicide.
The purpose of domestic homicide reviews is to consider the circumstances that led to the death and to identify where responses to the situation could be improved in the future. Lessons learned from the reviews will help agencies to improve their response to domestic abuse and to work better together to prevent such tragedies from occurring again.

Overview Reports and Executive Summaries of domestic homicide reviews published by Cannock Chase Council’s Community Safety Partnership can be found below.

August 2022

Executive Summary - AUGUST 2022 .pdf (9.42 MB)

Overview Report - AUGUST 2022 .pdf (1.04 MB)

Community Safety Delivery Plan 2024/25

Community Safety Delivery Plan 2024/25

Community Safety Strategic Assessment 2025

Download the Community Safety Strategic Assessment 2025 (1.3Mb Doc)

Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Domestic Abuse Strategy 2021 - 2024

Download the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Domestic Abuse Strategy 2021 - 2024 (

Community Contacts

Please click on this link to take you to a list of Community Contacts A-Z who may be able to help you out with a query


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