‘Let’s Work Together’ is a multi-agency initiative which ensures that people receive the support they need to live healthy, safe and independent lives.
It provides those people who visit individuals and families in their homes, with the tools training and skills to be the ‘eyes and ears’ for partner organisations, identifying risks and signposting or referring to services.
As a home visitor, Let’s Work Together will provide the skills needed to spot risks in clients’ homes, as well as offering the confidence and know-how to make referrals.
It will also provide details in relation to how the referral system works so home visitors can be confident that referrals made will be dealt with by an appropriate professional.
As a service manager, Let’s Work Together will help to ensure all staff gets the training they need to spot risks in their clients’ homes, and have the skills and confidence to make a referral.
Never miss a chance to make a difference…
The following outcomes have been identified:
For individuals/families
- Reducing the risks for people at home so they can live healthy, safe and independent lives, supported by a team that is centred on them and well connected to each other.
For practitioners
- To know how to get the right services in place and easy routes and methods to building the team around the family or adult.
For organisations
- Improved value for money from home visits with better outcomes for their residents/clients.
For more information about this initiative download a copy of:
- Let’s Work Together Toolkit
- Introduction
- Training opportunities
- Helpful information
- Resources
- Appendices
- Event Evaluations
LWT Event - 16 May 2016.docx (141.35 KB)