Chase Matters autumn edition is out now!

Councillor Phil Hewitt Chase Matters

Published: Monday, 6th September 2021

Chase Matters, the resident magazine for people living in Hednesford, Rugeley, Cannock and the surround villages will be coming through your letterbox this month.

This edition focuses on the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games; the new tourist guide for Cannock Chase; our recycling most wanted campaign plus much more.

The magazine will be delivered to over 40,000 households in Cannock Chase, as well as being available as a free pick up in all supermarkets in the District, and it is also available as an online version via our website.

Councillor Phil Hewitt, Portfolio Leader for Innovation and High Streets “I am delighted that distribution has started on the autumn edition of our resident magazine.  The magazine aims to inform residents on the work of the Council and update on what’s happening in the District.   The Council has been delivering services throughout the pandemic and you will see this is reflected in this edition.”

“A copy will be posted through every letterbox in the District during the next couple of weeks, we hope you enjoy reading it.”

A digital version of the magazine is available on our website:

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