Consultation opens on Parks and Open Spaces in the District

Cllr Mitchell

Published: Thursday, 27th February 2020

Cannock Chase Council is seeking the views of residents on the parks and open spaces available in the District.

Parks and open spaces include play areas, allotments, cemeteries and housing amenity areas.

The consultation is part of the preparation of a new Local Plan to replace the adopted Local Plan (Part 1) 2014.

Councillor Christine Mitchell, Portfolio Leader for Parks and Open Spaces said: “We are lucky that Cannock Chase is designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and has over 1,000 hectares of parks and open spaces, which includes six green flag accredited parks.

“We want everyone to enjoy good quality parks and open spaces, so we would encourage residents to take part in this consultation exercise. This feedback will be vital in helping shape the future plans for our parks and open spaces in District.”

Once views are collated this evidence will then inform and help develop an open space vision, strategy and policy, setting locally appropriate standards for management and investment in the light of current good practice and with reference to potential innovative solutions.

The consultation runs from 27 February 2020 to 27 March 2020, you can access the consultation questionnaire on our website:

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