Statement on the Poplars Landfill site in Cannock

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Published: Wednesday, 18th December 2019

Cannock Chase Council is aware of an odour within the vicinity of the Poplars Landfill Site and Anaerobic Digestion Facility located on Lichfield Road in Cannock. The site is owned and operated by Biffa Waste Services Ltd.

The Environment Agency has an Environment Permit in place with Biffa which allows the company to operate the site. It includes conditions relating to the monitoring and control of odour.

As the site is regulated by the Environment Agency, the Council has no powers to enforce these conditions.

However in the light of concerns raised, the Council has contacted the site operators and the Environment Agency, and Biffa has released further information as to the cause and the action that they are taking to deal with the odour problem.

Cllr John Preece, Environment Portfolio Leader at Cannock Chase Council said: “The Council has expressed its concerns about the management of the site to the operators and to the Environment Agency, and requested that urgent action be taken to prevent or minimise odours in accordance with the Environment Permit. 

“We understand Biffa has been releasing information explaining what action it is taking to deal with the current situation, alongside a December newsletter explaining its current work on site and its role at the Poplars.”

Local councillors have also been active listening to residents’ concerns and making contact with representatives from Biffa.

In the meantime, the Environment Agency advises that those affected by the odour can report the matter to its 24 hour incident hotline on 0800 80 70 60. 


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