Cannock Chase Remembers – World War 1 commemorative website goes live

World War One

Published: Friday 08th November 2019 | 9.52am

As a lasting legacy to the World War 1 commemorative period, the Council in partnership with Inspiring healthy lifestyles has developed an educational toolkit which is available to access from the District`s official World War 1 website.

‘Cannock Chase Remembers’ not only gives visitors information on local campaigns and events commemorating World War 1, but also shares personal memories of wartime from family, friends and survivors.

It has a wealth of local information about local men from the area who lost their lives during the First World War and also highlights local wartime history. 

The educational toolkit compliments the website and highlights the role Cannock Chase played during World War 1 by including contemporary films on how to create wartime artwork, information on how to support or join local groups and showcases the District’s four year commemorative programme.

It is available online at  and as an interactive school workshop tour which can be delivered by veterans.

This Armistice Day, the District has a number of Remembrance Services and Parades. These are taking place across the District on Sunday 10 November. Further details of times and areas can be found on the Council`s website.

View the website by visiting 

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