Published: Monday, 22nd January 2018
Knight, Kavanagh and Page (KKP) have been appointed by Cannock Chase Council to develop an indoor and outdoor sports facility strategy for the District.
The purpose of the strategy is to provide clear direction based on the needs of Cannock Chase, to ensure that there are adequate indoor and outdoor sports facilities now and in the future. The strategy supports the Council’s mission for better health outcomes by enabling residents to become more active and healthier.
The Council went out to tender in September 2017 to engage the services of a company with proven experience of refreshing indoor and outdoor sports facilities and playing field strategies and to produce and develop a new strategy for Cannock Chase District.
Councillor Christine Mitchell, Portfolio Leader for Culture and Sport said “The strategy for Cannock Chase was developed in 2010, so is in need of updating. I welcome the appointment of KKP, the work that they will undertake is extremely important for residents in the District to ensure they have access to the very best facilities we can provide.”
Councillor Gordon Alcott, Portfolio Leader for Economic Development and Planning said “I am pleased that KKP has been appointed to develop the sports strategy for Cannock Chase. The information from this strategy will feed directly into the production of the Local Plan”.
Clare MacLeod, Director of KKP said “KKP is very pleased to have been appointed to deliver this vital assignment. We intend to work closely with Cannock Chase Council officers and elected members, Inspiring Healthy Lifestyles (which manages the Council’s leisure facilities) and to consult extensively with the community to ensure that the facilities strategy produced identifies and meets local needs.”
To conform with best practice, assessment of pitches and outdoor sports facilities takes place on a sports seasonal basis; as a consequence, the strategy will evolve over quite a lengthy period of time. Therefore, it is anticipated that the strategy will be completed in mid- 2019.