Travellers on Barnard Way/Heath Hayes Park

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Published: Thursday, 13th July 2017

Cannock Chase Council can confirm that action has been taken to initiate legal proceedings to remove the travellers from Barnard Way Play Area and Heath Hayes Park.

Travellers were reported on Barnard Way on Monday 10 July and this morning Walsall County Court have issued the claim for possession. The hearing date for this is set for 10:00am on Thursday 20 July.   The court papers will be served on the travellers tomorrow morning.

Travellers were also reported on Heath Hayes Park on Tuesday 11 July, and are believed to be a separate group to those on Barnard Way. 

The Council already has a Possession Order for this site, however the Council do require the Courts permission to apply for an Eviction Warrant.

An application seeking the Courts permission has been submitted to Walsall County Court today (13 July).  The Council now have to wait for a District Judge to consider the application.  If permission is granted, the Council can immediately apply for a Warrant of Possession to instruct the Bailiffs to evict the travellers.

Legal Officers at Cannock Chase Council said “We would like to reassure residents that we are doing all that we can to remove these illegal encampments as swiftly as possible.  However, there is a strict legal process that we have to follow.”

Staffordshire Police said “Police officers from Cannock continue to monitor the encampments; we will maintain patrols and deal appropriately with any incidents arising from their presence.  We remain committed to supporting Cannock Chase Council in their efforts to remove the travellers. Updated information is shared daily between our two agencies ensuring we continue our joint response to this issue in our communities.”

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