Published: Friday, 30th June 2017
Cannock Chase Council has published its consultation on the introduction of a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) in relation to the control of dogs, and is seeking the views of interested parties.
The Council, under the Anti Social Behaviour Crime Policing Act 2014 proposes to renew the existing Dog Control Orders in respect of dog fouling and dogs off leads.
In addition, the new PSPO will also include further measures such as requirements to dispose of dog waste properly and prohibit dogs from specified children’s play areas; that dog owners have the means to clean up after their dog if they need to and to put dogs on leads when instructed to do so by an authorised officer.
Persons who fail to comply with the provisions set out in the proposed PSPO, without reasonable excuse, will be committing an offence and may be prosecuted.
The Council intends to issue fixed penalty notices where appropriate to enforce the proposed Order. The fine will be £100 and failure to pay may lead to prosecution.
Councillor John Preece, Portfolio Leader for the Environment said, “It is important that the Council implements this Order as it protects our public spaces and ensures the safety of the general public.
“PSPOs are intended to address activities carried out in public spaces which are considered to be of an antisocial nature. The proposed Order will identify a particular public space and either prohibit specified activities or require steps to be taken to ensure our public spaces are more welcoming for the community to use.
“I would encourage the general public to have a look at the proposed Order and pass this information on to any groups that might have a particular interest”.
The consultation will run from 1 July until 31 August 2017.
Copies of the proposed Order are available for inspection from the Council`s area offices and can be viewed online by clicking this link. (link no longer exists)
Comments can be sent via post or email. Email comments should be sent to by no later than midnight on 31 August 2017.
Representations received after midnight on 31 August 2017 will not be accepted.
For more information about this consultation process, contact the Environmental Health team on 01543 462621.