Fly tipping incident leads to prosecution

Rubbish flytipped

Published: Wednesday 01st February 2017 | 11.14am

Cannock Chase Council have been successful in securing a conviction after a Stoke man failed to assist Council officers in a fly tipping investigation.

Jordan Haywood 34, formerly of Park Road, Stoke on Trent appeared in Newcastle Magistrates Court on Friday 27 January after failing to respond to a Section 71 Notice.  Mr. Haywood failed to return the formal requisition for information regarding the involvement of his vehicle in a fly tipping incident.

In July 2015 a local resident saw a van pull up at the former Pied Piper Pubic House on Pye Green Road, which was vacant at the time.

The resident recorded some of the fly tipping activity on her phone, which showed two men unload a rolled carpet and some other household waste on to the premises.  The footage also showed the registration number of the vehicle which was owned by   Mr. Jordan Haywood

My Haywood was contacted numerous times by the Council to attend a formal interview to explain how his van came to be used in a fly tipping incident, but Mr. Haywood failed to attend.

Mr. Haywood was served with a conditional discharge for 18 months and ordered to pay costs totaling £1377.00 and a victim surcharge of £20.00.

In recognition of the assistance and valuable evidence, the resident who reported this incident will receive a reward of £100.  The Council is continuing to offer a £100 reward to anyone who provides evidence that leads to the successful conviction of any person, business or other organisation involved in fly tipping waste in the District.

Councillor John Preece, Environment Portfolio Leader said “We’re delighted to pay the £100 reward to a resident whose evidence has led to a successful prosecution in connection with this fly tipping incident.  The information provided by the witness in this case was invaluable to officers, enabling them to pursue Mr. Haywood for his part in the incident.  Enquiries are continuing in an effort to identify the other individuals responsible.”

“I would urge everyone in the District to be the Council’s eyes and ears and to report any fly tipping to us.  We are determined to stamp out fly tipping, which is not only a blight on our communities, but also our beautiful countryside.  However, we do need the public’s help on this and with the right evidence we can secure a conviction.”

Anyone who witnesses fly tipping in the District is urged to report it to Cannock Chase Council by calling 01543 462621.  Key information needed is:

  • Date and time of the incident
  • The model, make, registration number and colour of the vehicle used
  • A description of the offender/offenders

It can also be reported online at

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