Project highlights true value of volunteering

Friends of Hednesford Park

Published: Thursday 22nd December 2016 | 10.06am

The successful Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) project has highlighted the true value of volunteering at Hednesford Park.

In 2012 Cannock Chase Council were successful in a HLF bid for £2.2m, together with funding from the Council, Staffordshire Environmental Fund and St Modwen this has enabled a number of developments to be achieved at the park and war memorial.

Recognising the benefits of volunteering, the HLF application process asked for an estimate of volunteer hours and at the time this was put at £141,000 worth of hours, based on the HLF recommended hourly rates.  However, this amount was exhausted within the first 18 months of the project.  It is estimated by the time that the project is finished in 2017 the volunteering hours at Hednesford Park will total over £400,000.

The Friends of Hednesford Park are pinnacle to the volunteering at the park, but they also engage many other community groups and schools from the area.

The majority of activities and events to engage with the community and maintenance works would not be possible without the dedication and hard work of the volunteers, work experience students, volunteering groups and local schools.

There is also a significant contribution made by young people in the area; Hednesford Army Cadets and Girls Venture Corps Air Cadets, Hednesford Unit regularly support the park by setting up marquees and marshalling at events.  Other young people volunteer to gain valuable work experience through Rodbaston Horticultural College or through schemes such as The Princes Trust.

Councillor Christine Mitchell, Portfolio Leader for Culture and Sport said “The majority of events and activities held in the park would not be possible without the committed team of volunteers and it’s only through everyone working together that so much is achieved.  The amount of work that has taken place by volunteers at Hednesford Park is unprecedented.  The HLF bid has highlighted the monetary value of work that the volunteers have contributed, but the fantastic park shows their true efforts. “

“They not only help with planting and maintenance but also use the waste from maintaining the park in wonderful craft activities for the community.  We have a fabulous park that is a hub of volunteering activities and events.  From working together Hednesford Park has become a real focus for the community.  I hope they are proud of the park and most of all proud of themselves.”

Volunteer Will Green said “I enjoy volunteering; it keeps me busy and makes me happy.  I can talk to people while learning new skills.”

Local schools also get involved with volunteering at the park; for the last year sixth form students from Hednesford Valley High have been coming to the park once a week to help with tasks such as planting poppies, litter picking, coppicing and making Christmas decorations for the town.

Teacher Andy Dale said “The pupils enjoy coming and actively contributing to the wider community.  They gain in confidence and learn new skills, whilst preparing for the work place.”

Volunteers also help to support events run by partner groups such as Wheels for All, Chase Fit Walking for Health, Tennis for Free and Parkfit Sunday runs.

Volunteering is an opportunity to learn new skills, improves self-esteem and quality of life, people can meet new friends and it can also help to heal mental ill-health.

If you are interested in volunteering then please contact Lynn Evans at

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