Published: Wednesday, 14th December 2016
In November essential tree works commenced on tree avenue in Hednesford Park, where sixteen, large, over mature trees were felled.
Some of the felled trees have been pollarded and work has started to create living sculptures from some of the trees, that were well past their best.
Robot Cossey an artist from Wolverhampton who is well know for his timber sculptural works has made a start and already created an owl and squirrel.
The first batch of sculptures created will consist of an owl, squirrel, fox and woodpecker.
Cannock Chase Council together with The Friends of Hednesford Park have been working with local schools and community groups to consult on the different designs for the timber sculptures. The wooden sculptures are all based on animals that can be found in the park.
The tree management works are essential and part of the ongoing improvement works for Hednesford Park, part funded through the Heritage Lottery Grant. The increased space will enable the main avenue trees to develop and form a natural crown structure.
The wood chippings from the branches of the felled trees will also be re-used in the park as mulch materials for the woodland paths.
Councilor Christine Mitchell, Portfolio Leader for Culture and Sport said “The trees that have been felled on tree avenue were well past their best and were stunting the growth of the other trees, so this work has been essential.
The sculptures created by Robot are absolutely fantastic, he is a very talented man and I am delighted that he has agreed to the sculpture works in Hednesford Park.
Robot will be creating another sculpture on Thursday morning, so why not pop down to the park and see the ‘master at work’.”
The second batch of sculptures will commence with the next phase of tree felling. The sculptures are anticipated to be in prominent public positions on the main avenue. So if you have seen wildlife in the park that you would like to be formed into a sculpture please contact Lynn Evans at lynnevans@cannockchasedc.gov.uk.
We are also looking to name the individual sculptures, so if you have any good ideas for names or wish to be involved in the process of giving the new wooden friends of Hednesford Park a name please contact Lynn Evans.