Let's make Cannock Chase a dementia-friendly District

Dementia Friendly

Published: Tuesday 13th September 2016 | 11.22am

People coping with dementia in Cannock Chase can look forward to increased awareness and help in the district thanks to a new local alliance.

Cannock Chase Council has been working with Staffordshire County Council and voluntary sector agencies towards making the district dementia-friendly.

Local organisations and businesses from across Cannock Chase District have now come together to form the ‘Cannock Chase Dementia Action Alliance’.

The Alliance, part of the Staffordshire Dementia Alliance was established in July 2016. Its aim is to create an improved and safe environment for those living with dementia, their families and carers.

The group will focus on three main actions including: raising awareness of dementia; contributing to the development of dementia-friendly communities and providing better information locally for people living with dementia.

Successful initiatives have already taken place across most parts of the district to establish a supporting infrastructure for people living with dementia and this is now being rolled out in Cannock Town Centre.

A dementia-friendly launch event – supported by the Chase Community Partnership and Staffordshire County Councillor’s Local Community Fund—will take place on Thursday 29 September between 12noon and 3pm at St Luke’s Church Community Centre and in Cannock Town Centre. Organisations from across the public, private and voluntary sectors will be there to provide advice and promote local services.

County Councillor Alan White, Cabinet Member for Health, Care and Wellbeing said: “Dementia is one of the biggest challenges facing the county, so it is good to see so many activities taking place and the community coming together to help support people with dementia, along with their carers and families.

“As a county council we are committed to ensuring residents have access to the support they need to lead as fulfilled and independent lives for as long as we very much recognise the devastating impact dementia can have not only on individuals, but on their family and friends.  This is why we are doing everything we can to ensure people can get access to the support they need in their local community.”

Councillor Muriel Davis, Leader of Health and Wellbeing for Cannock Chase Council, said: “There are approximately 1,184 people living with dementia in Cannock Chase and this figure is expected to increase to just over 2000 by 2030.

“It’s great to see the amount of work that has been undertaken across the District and I’m very pleased to see Cannock Town Centre is working towards becoming dementia-friendly. This work helps to improve the quality of life for the increasing number of people living with the condition.

“I would encourage people to attend this event – enjoy a cup of tea and a slice of cake whilst speaking to professionals and seeing what local services are available in the Cannock area”.

 To find out more about this event and/or the dementia-friendly work being delivered across the District, contact the Council’s Partnerships Team on 01543 464635 or email communications@cannockchasedc.gov.uk


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