Published: Thursday, 11th February 2016
Chase Community Partnership has met to discuss the community safety concerns in the District and set the priorities for 2016/17.
Residents in the District feel safe and most have no issues although rates of crime and disorder are still a concern. Whilst crime has increased slightly in the last year, the long term trends are stable in our area.
It has been identified that social media, cybercrime, child sexual exploitation, serious and organised crime, modern slavery, preventing extremism and gang/youth violence are the emerging new threats for 2016/17.
Councillor Carl Bennett, Portfolio Leader for Crime and Partnerships said “It has been recommended that the Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) adopt the Office of the Police Crime and Commissioner’s priorities for the area. A draft plan will be produced and agreed at the April meeting.
These priorities will include early intervention, supporting victims and witnesses, managing offenders and increasing public confidence.”
Chief Inspector Geoff Knight, Staffordshire Police said “Cannock Chase District remains a place where people feel safe to live and work and we will continue to work with the local community and our partners to face the challenges of reducing crime and anti-social behaviour in the area”.
Staffordshire's Police and Crime Commissioner Matthew Ellis said: “There is a real opportunity for people in Cannock, Rugeley and Hednesford to play a part in holding all responsible for policing in their area by joining the Safer Neighbourhood Panel which launched recently in Cannock Chase.
You can shape policing at the most local level in your community by joining the Safer Neighbourhood Panel. The new spotlight on local policing performance that these panels will bring is invaluable in adding to the rigour I have introduced to overseeing policing."
People can find out more at and get an application form by emailing