Council proposes additional measures to combat anti-social behaviour in public spaces

Consultation image

Published: Friday 23rd August 2024 | 11.09am

Cannock Chase Council’s Cabinet have agreed to consult on extending and amending the current Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) to reduce anti-social behaviour in the district.

As well as prohibiting problematic street drinking, Cabinet wants views on whether to prohibit five other activities that cause a nuisance for residents and businesses. These include anti-social use of motorised vehicles, unauthorised incursions onto rooftops, public urination/defecation and disposal of drug paraphernalia, people abandoning possessions which block doorways and fire escapes and loitering which is likely to cause anti-social behaviour.

Councillor David Williams, Portfolio Leader for Community Wellbeing said “PSPO’s are to ensure that public spaces can be enjoyed by all and free from anti-social behaviour.  The existing PSPO has worked well to address anti-social street drinking across the district, so I am pleased that we are consulting on extending it.  The addition of the other behaviour types will help address the anti-social behaviour issues that you have told us cause you concern across the district.  These measures will help in our mission to crack down on anti-social behaviour and ensure that Cannock Chase is a great place to live, work and visit.”

The consultation starts today and will run until Sunday 6 October 2024.  

Visit our website to take part in the consultation and find out more:

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