You can pay to park using your mobile phone across Cannock Chase Council's car parks using PayByPhone. Simply register with PayByPhone online and you will never have to worry about finding loose change to park in the District again.
Read a copy of the full press release here.
- What are the benefits?
- You do not need to carry loose change to pay for parking
- If you are running late returning to your car, you can extend your payment at the touch of a button (provided you have not exceeded the maximum stay in a car park)
- You can use PayByPhone in other car parks nationwide, including airports and major shopping centres. Visit PayByPhone to find out more
- How do I register?
Visit the registration page on PayByPhone's website. You will be taken to an online form where you will be asked to enter your address, car registration number, mobile phone number and payment details.
After registering, you will receive an email and text message confirming your registration.
Once registered, when you visit any of our car parks listed below, follow the instructions on the signs next to the pay and display ticket machines, and you will be able to pay for your parking using your phone.
- How do I pay?
Read the PayByPhone's Instructions on how to pay online, through the app, over the phone or by text.
- Transaction charges
It is important to note, when you use the service, an additional 20p may be added to your booking.
This is optional and is only payable if you register for the reminder text option.
If you do register for this service, then you will be charged an extra 20p for each text message reminder you receive.
- Is it secure?
The PayByPhone payment system is compliant with the payment card industry standard PCI Level 1.
If you want to find out more read PayByPhone's FAQs on their support page.
- Car park location codes
Name of car park
Location code
Avon Road
Beecroft Road
Civic Centre
Brunswick Road
Danilo Road
Cannock Railway Station
Forge Road
St. Paul's Road
Market Hall
- Season Ticket Permits
For season tickets please see the 'Season ticket permit for designated car parks' section of our Parking Page.