Cabinet, Shadow Cabinet and Committees Memberships and Outside Bodies Representatives

In order to discharge its functions the Council has established a number of committees and other bodies which elected Members are appointed to serve on. The agendas, minutes and reports for such meetings are available to download from the meetings and minutes page of the website and the terms of reference for each committee etc. can be found in the Council's Constitution.

The number of Members appointed to each committee etc. is determined by the political balance of the Council.

Schedule of Memberships of Cabinet, Shadow Cabinet, Committees and Other Bodies 2024-25

The membership of Cabinet, Shadow Cabinet, Committees and Other Bodies for 2024/25 was confirmed at the Annual Council meeting on 22nd May 2024 and is available to download below.

Membership of Committees and Other Bodies for 2024/25 (to be updated following 24 July Council meeting)

Cabinet and Shadow Cabinet Membership and Portfolio Responsibilities for 2024/25 (to be updated following 24 July Council meeting)

Representatives on Outside Bodies 2024-25

Additionally, Members are appointed by the Council and Cabinet to a range of external organisations referred to as 'outside bodies'.  Details of the bodies appointed to for 2024/25 is also available to download below.

Council Appointed Representatives on Outside Bodies for 2024/25 (to be updated following 24 July Council meeting)

Cabinet Appointed Representatives on Outside Bodies for 2024/25

Last Updated:

A to Z of Services