Please note the consultation is now closed and the results are being analysed.
We want your views on proposed changes to some of our cultural and heritage services to help reduce a forecasted £1.3m shortfall in our budget and safeguard essential services. As part of these savings we are proposing the closure of the Museum of Cannock Chase and the Prince of Wales Theatre.
Read the Cabinet Report and see more information
Like many councils across the country, we’re facing rising costs and growing demand for services. Despite years of careful financial management and savings, the council is forecasting a budget shortfall of £1.3 million for 2025/26.
We have worked with Inspiring Healthy Lifestyles (IHL) since 2012 to deliver leisure, heritage and culture services. To help us understand the best way forward for the future we commissioned an independent review of these services and surveyed the condition of the buildings managed by IHL.
Based on this work, we are proposing the closure of the Museum of Cannock Chase and the Prince of Wales Theatre by the end of April 2025 to ensure a sustainable future for other leisure and wellbeing services in the district.
We know these are significant proposals, and we’re committed to hearing your views. We are also keen to explore ideas for an alternative approach to culture and heritage in Cannock Chase as part of this consultation.
The consultation is open until 2 January 2025 and your feedback will be considered before a final decision is made at the council meeting on 12 February 2025.
It is important for us to understand who is responding to our surveys so that we can ensure we are reaching a balanced representative group of our residents. This information also helps us add to equality impact assessments for our services.
All data is anonymised and is not linked to any previous answers or surveys you may have provided. We would be grateful if you could take the time to answer the following questions.
- Next Steps
Your feedback will play a key role in shaping the future of these services. The results of the consultation will be reported back to the Council’s Cabinet for consideration on 30 January 2025.