Animation highlights the challenges ahead for Cannock Chase Council

Public consultation

Published: Thursday 08th September 2016 | 1.01pm

Cannock Chase Council has launched an animation to inform the people of Cannock Chase, prior to a large scale public consultation on council services.

Cannock Chase Council will be launching a public consultation to hear views and opinions on the future of the Council’s services, as the Council faces a funding deficit that peaks at £2.15m in 2018/19.

To prepare for and encourage residents, businesses and stakeholders to take part in the formal consultation that begins on 23rd September, the Council has released a short animated video which sets out the challenges ahead.

Councillor George Adamson, Leader of the Council said “Like most Councils, Cannock Chase is now facing the most difficult financial position for many years. The Central Government grant will cease in the next 3 years, as part of major changes to the way that local authorities are funded.  The closure of Rugeley Power Station has reduced business rates income by 25%, which means the Council faces a deficit that peaks in 2018/19 at £2.15m and with an ongoing deficit of £1.6m from 2019/20.

Over the last four years the Council has responded flexibly to over a 64% reduction in Government grant funding, we have achieved this by being pro-active, reducing management and administration costs, sharing services and management with Stafford Borough Council.  We also entered into a long term partnership with a charity for the provision of leisure and cultural services, market testing services such as waste collection and sharing accommodation at the Civic Centre with various public bodies.

Over this period, the Council has not reduced frontline services to the public and has protected grant funding to a range of local bodies, as well as working in partnership with the full range of public bodies who deliver services in the District, so that all public funds can be maximised.

We requested transitional funding support from Government to bridge the gap until the proposed Mill Green Outlet Village opens in 2018/19, which would have mitigated approximately 73% of the loss of business rates from the power station. Unfortunately, confirmation has been received that no support from Government will be made available.

Cannock Chase Council now has to make decisions about how it will achieve a financial balance in the future. We want to do this in an open transparent way and we will listen to all views and opinions as part of the decision making process.

The Financial Recovery Plan which will be published at the end of September is intended to provide the background information and specific savings options.  This together with the animation launched will give members of the public enough background information to tell us their views.”

The animation is available to view on the link below:

A to Z of Services