Business support event success

Business support event

Published: Wednesday 09th November 2016 | 2.16pm

Cannock Chase Council hosted a business support event as part of the Staffordshire Business Festival this week.

Pastries, Prospects and Patter took place at The Moat House in Acton Trussell, a free event held for local businesses.

Business enthusiast and Author Dale Stafford was the guest speaker who spoke passionately about what it takes to be a success in business, as well as sharing experiences with the audience in a lively Q&A session.

Over 70 people attended the event, which aimed to showcase funding opportunities across the Cannock Chase District and South Staffordshire.

Councillor Gordon Alcott, Portfolio Leader for Economic Development and Planning said “The Staffordshire Business Festival is 2 weeks of local events to facilitate better engagement between local businesses.  I was delighted with the amount of people that attended; I hope that businesses found it a useful networking opportunity as well as finding out about the grants available. 

We are also hosting an event at the Cannock Chase Enterprise Centre on Friday 18 November, called ‘Looking to start a business?’ and this is another opportunity to get information on how to find funding and mentoring to start your own business.  So why not come along and see if we have something suitable for you? You’ve got nothing to lose.  It’s free!”

Dale Stafford, who describes SMEs as “Saviours of the Nation” encouraged those attending to grab the support on offer with both hands said “It’s a pleasure to be involved in an event such as this and fantastic to see a council supporting its local entrepreneurs this way. After all, its business that creates jobs and keeps the country’s economy afloat so they deserve all the help they can get.”

The Staffordshire Business Festival organised by the Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce runs from Monday 7 November to Friday 18 November and includes over 60 events across the county.

For more information on the events taking place or to book a place please visit:

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