Cabinet approves CCTV investment in the District

Cllr Carl Bennett

Published: Friday 05th October 2018 | 8.14am

Cannock Chase Council’s Cabinet approved at its meeting last night to invest £55k into the Districts CCTV.

There are 91 cameras cross the District which were installed in 1998, and following a full audit review 26 have been identified as in need of essential replacement.

Across the District CCTV cameras record images continuously 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

CCTV is a deterrent to crime and with systems such as the Council’s, CCTV footage is frequently utilized by the police and can result it the perpetrators of crime being brought to justice.

Councillor Carl Bennett, Portfolio Leader for Crime and Partnerships said “I am delighted that Cabinet have agreed this report.  CCTV cameras are an essential deterrent in our town centres to prevent crime and anti-social behavior as well as improving police and licensee liaison.”

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