Published: Thursday, 1st October 2015
Cannock Chase Council is supporting the Stoptober campaign and encouraging local residents to stop smoking.
Stoptober, the 28-day stop smoking challenge from Public Health England is encouraging smokers to swap their fags for gags, to help them quit for good this October.
Top British comedians including Al Murray, Rod Gilbert, Shappi Khorsandi and Bill Bailey will this year bring a touch of the British sense of humour to help quitters through this difficult and daunting challenge.
However, smoking is no laughing matter and neither is quitting. It is estimated that 20% of the population of Cannock Chase smoke, that’s almost 20,000 people. There is no doubt that quitting is tough, but it is known that people who quit do feel better in time.
Councilor Muriel Davis, Portfolio Leader for Health and Wellbeing said: “I would encourage smokers across the District to sign up for Stoptober. It is a great opportunity to make a serious attempt to quit with the support of friends and family.
Evidence shows that if a smoker can go 28 days without a cigarette, they are five times more likely to stay permanently smoke-free. Quitting smoking can be a difficult process but successfully quitting has significant health, monetary and social benefits.”
Stoptober provides smokers with a range of free tools including a new stop smoking pack, a 28-day mobile phone app, text support with daily updates, quitting advice and tips for coping, as well as the encouragement and support from thousands of people quitting together through Stoptober social media channels.
So what are you waiting for? Start your 28 day challenge on Thursday 1st October.
For more information and to join the biggest stop smoking challenge of its kind, search ‘Stoptober’ online and sign up.
Alternatively, help is available from TimetoQuit at a time and place to suit you.
TimetoQuit is a FREE local NHS Stop Smoking Service and their team of friendly advisors will give you all the expert advice and support you need to stop smoking.
They can also provide you with access to medications on prescription which are proven to reduce cravings and increase your chances of succeeding. If you are thinking about or are already using an electronic cigarette then give them a call to see how they can help you.
TimetoQuit offer:
- A free 12 week quit programme
- One to one support at places and times to suit you
- Medications to help you to quit
- Carbon monoxide readings to check your progress
- Friendly specialist advisors
There are lots of benefits to stopping smoking and these really do start straight away. Not only will you save lots of money, but you will also have more energy, have improved senses of taste and smell and have lower stress levels.
So, if you feel ready to quit or would just like more information you can contact TimetoQuit directly on 0800 043 4304 or visit their website at: www.staffordshireandstokeontrent.nhs.uk/timetoquit
Time to Quit has helped thousands of people to stop smoking and with their help you will be four times more likely to succeed.