Published: Thursday, 11th June 2020
Volunteering group the Friends of Cannock Stadium Park have created a beautiful memorial for residents who have sadly passed away due to COVID-19.
The Friends of Cannock Stadium Park are a group of volunteers who work with Cannock Chase Council to promote and support the regeneration of Cannock Stadium and its future.
President of the group Lynn Biggs came up with the idea of crocheting forget-me-nots after one of her friends passed away and she was unable to go to the funeral and pay her respects.
The forget-me-not wreaths are displayed on the main gates at Cannock Stadium Park located on Pye Green Road and show the name and the date of the person who has passed away.
Councillor Christine Mitchell, Portfolio Leader for Culture and Sport said “This is such a lovely way of remembering loved ones during this unprecedented pandemic, and an amazing way of bringing the community together.
“I am very proud of the volunteers at Cannock Stadium Park for setting this up and for the volunteers for crocheting the beautiful forget-me-not wreaths to help grieving families.”
Lynn Harley-Biggs, President of the Friends of Cannock Stadium Park said “I came up with the idea of crocheting the wreaths after my friend passed away from COVID-19. I was unable to attend his funeral and pay my respects. The wreaths are not only a memorial for those who have lost friends and family to this awful virus, but a place to visit, to remember and a way to say goodbye.
“I have recently taken over as President of the group and this is our first project. I am so proud of our team; they have done a marvelous job. We also have a sub-group Vixens Corner who are the ladies that have been keeping busy crocheting the flowers for the wreaths.”
If you would like to nominate a forget-me-not for someone who has lost their life to COVID-19, you can contact Lynn through the Friends of Cannock Stadium Facebook page or email