‘Clean for the Queen’ – clean up event a success

Published: Friday 30th September 2016 | 10.05am

Residents, Councillors, Council Officers and local businesses joined forces to help ‘Clean for the Queen’ this week in a community litter pick.

The clean up took place on Monday 26 September at the former Cannock Stadium site, which had been identified, due to the amount of litter in the area.  There were over 35 bags of rubbish collected, along with various other waste materials.

This initiative highlights the Council’s continuing commitment to support this national campaign to get residents helping to clean up their community.

The ‘Clean for the Queen’ campaign was launched by Keep Britain Tidy at the beginning of the year with the aim of cleaning up the country ahead of The Queen’s 90th birthday in April.

Councillor George Adamson, Leader of Cannock Chase Council, said: “I was really pleased with the number of people that supported the clean up at the former stadium site, despite the weather.  I was amazed at the amount of rubbish we collected.  The event was a great success and I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who got involved.”

This event was organised by the Council’s Street Cleansing Team and supported by local Councillors, Council Officers and representatives from Lovell’s and MacDonalds.

To find out more about the ‘Clean for the Queen’ campaign visit http://www.cleanforthequeen.co.uk/home/2365

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