Community Safety Grants

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Published: Tuesday, 2nd August 2016

Police and Crime Commissioner's People Power Fund for grants between £100 and £3,000

Great ideas for community safety solutions come from local people – which is why Police and Crime Commissioner Matthew Ellis is inviting groups in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent to bid for money from the Commissioner’s People Power Fund.

The fund empowers local groups to find solutions to community safety problems through smaller grants of between £100 and £3,000.

These could range from the provision of positive activities for young people with the aim of reducing anti-social behaviour (ASB) in a local community, mentoring programmes for targeted groups in a community through to funding reassurance activities and respect events in specific areas.

With the support of the local Community Safety Partnership (CSP), community based organisations, either solely or in collaboration with others can make an application.

The timeline attached to the application form provides full details of the deadlines for the Commissioner’s People Power Fund.

Two rounds of funding will be held by the Commissioner, the first which opens on 1 March and closes on 14 April, the second which opens on 1 August and closes on 14 September.

For more information please visit

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