Published: Friday, 30th September 2022
Cannock Chase Council are consulting on their Local Validation List which is required for all planning applications.
The Local Validation List (LVL) provides guidance about the level and type of information which is required to be submitted with a planning application. The requirements are proportional to the scale of the proposal.
Local authorities are required to publish the LVL checklists they use to validate the planning applications they receive. Due to changes in legislation, policy and guidance the Government requires that LVL are reviewed every two years.
The draft LVL has two components:
• The national requirements, such as the application form, fee and certificates
• Specific local validation requirements, known as the Local Validation List
The minimum requirements for planning applications are set nationally. However, these do not set out the other documentation that is required to fully assess proposals, which can lead to delays in processing applications.
The draft LVL has been designed to help developers when preparing applications for planning permission and other planning consents, by providing clear information as to what should be submitted with each application size and type.
Councillor Mike Sutherland, Portfolio Leader for District and High Street Development said “The local Validation List streamlines the planning process and ensures that applicants know the right documentation to include with an application.
“The six week consultation on the draft list will start on today (Friday 30 September), and we would like to hear views in respect of the updated LVL and the information it may consider necessary to make an application valid.”
You can take part in the consultation here: