Council tax set to rise to protect front line services

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Published: Tuesday 26th January 2016 | 12.26pm

Cannock Chase Council’s Cabinet is set to recommend a 1.95% increase in council tax.

Cannock Chase Council’s Cabinet is set to recommend a 1.95% increase in council tax which equates to 6 pence per household per week, in order to protect future front line services in the District.

The current level of council tax has remained the same for residents since 2013-14.  However, with ongoing reductions in Government support, Council’s Cabinet is being recommended to increase council tax for 2016-17 by 1.95%.

Councillor George Adamson, Leader of the Council said “As well as reductions from the Government, the council tax freeze grant, where Councils were encouraged to freeze council tax is also no longer available, so it’s looking like we have got no choice but to increase council tax for the first time in 3 years, or our front line services will be affected.  The average increase equates to just over 6 pence per household per week.”

The provisional Local Government Finance Settlement for the Council will see a reduction in funding of 40% or £1.989 million over the next four years, following on from a £3.564 million reduction between 2010-11 and 2015-16.

The proposed budget for 2016-17 and 2017-18 maintains frontline services at their current level with no service reductions or redundancies.

The Council is currently awaiting the details of the Government proposals in relation to the new homes bonus and business rates which will determine the budget position for 2018-19.

Cabinet will consider the report on the 1st February 2016.

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