Council’s Cabinet agree draft budget on savings options

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Published: Friday 20th January 2017 | 11.04am

Cannock Chase Council's Cabinet recommended the Revenue Budget and Capital Programme at its meeting last night for consideration by full Council.

The Budget report details the overall budget position for the Council after taking into account Government funding, income from business rates and Council Tax. The report also takes into account inflation and other cost pressures, alongside the savings and income options identified during the financial recovery plan (FRP) process that was open for public consultation last year.  A total of £1.6M in savings and additional income has been identified from the FRP.

The Council originally put £2.1M of potential options out for consultation as part of its Financial Recovery Plan.  As a result of the consultation exercise Cabinet are recommending accepting the strong public feedback to save CCTV, town centre flower beds and CAB, amongst other things.

Nearly three quarters of the reductions in spending will be on efficiency savings, capitalising expenditure, shared services, and reduced management costs thus minimising the cuts to front line services.

The report also recommends that the level of council tax received by Cannock Chase Council will increase by 1.95% in 2017-18.

The final budget now being recommended  follows a further consultation period during December and January where residents, businesses and organisations were asked to respond with their views on the Council’s overall budget approach, suggestions for additional changes or proposals and the levels of the proposed council tax increase.

The second stage consultation, which received 96 responses, showed 46.9% supported the recommended 1.95% increase to council tax, which equates to an increase of less than 7 pence per week for most households in the District.

Councillor Gordon Alcott, Deputy Leader of the Council said “The Council has faced its most difficult financial position ever, with reducing Government grant funding and the loss of business rates from the closure of Rugeley Power Station.  We have consulted with the public on our financial recovery plan and draft budget so that we can take into account residents opinions and views.

The recommended budget balances the financial pressures we face with our commitment to protect the services that matter to people in Cannock Chase. 

I would like to thank everybody who has taken the time to provide us with feedback and suggestions throughout this process.”

The initial financial recovery plan consultation was held for six weeks from September to November 2016 and received over 800 responses; this informed the options put forward in the draft budget which is now recommended to Council.

The General Fund Budget and Capital Programme will be discussed by full Council at its meeting on 8 February 2017.

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