Published: Thursday, 13th June 2019
An informal partnership has been announced between Cannock Chase Council’s Labour Group and its Green Party Group following the recent District Elections where no single party was able to take overall control.
It was formally announced at the Council’s Annual Meeting held on 29 May when positions for the Cabinet were also announced.
The Council has 41 councillors. After the elections Labour held 18 seats, the Conservatives 15, the Greens 5, the Liberal Democrats 2 and there was 1 Independent.
As the largest party, Labour has agreed an informal partnership with the Green Party where they have agreed to work together for the foreseeable future with the intention of ensuring the smooth running of Council services.
The Labour Group will form the administration and will consult with their colleagues in the Green Party Group on policy issues. This includes the Green Party Group Leader, Councillor Paul Woodhead, attending Cabinet meetings as an observer.
Labour Leader, Councillor George Adamson, said: “It is vital that the work of the Council continues to run smoothly. We are looking forward to working much more closely with our colleagues from the Green Party to ensure that this is the case. It’s in the best interests of our residents that we co-operate. That’s what the voters told us at the election and that’s what we will do."
Green Party Group Leader, Councillor Paul Woodhead said: "Our continued priority is to be the best ward councillors you can rely on to be available, visible and active in our community. In order to protect green spaces, tackle homelessness, support local business and reform the way the Council works we have agreed to support the largest group on the Council and will be working with them where we agree and be a critical friend where we differ. We will also work with others in the Council chamber where we can."
After the same elections the opposition Conservative Party Group announced that Councillor Olivia Lyons will be their Leader and therefore Leader of the Opposition. She succeeds Paul Snape who retired from this role at the Council.
Details of the new Cabinet can be found at (search `Cabinet`in Find It!)