Published: Friday, 4th December 2015
Staffordshire County Council is seeking out new and affordable ways to manage its countryside estate to protect it for current and future generations, and to be able to keep up with the demand to offer more recreational opportunities for residents and visitors.
So far, the estate which comprises 6 main country parks, 9 picnic places and 3 greenways is currently managed by the county council with voluntary support.
Moving into the future, Staffordshire County Council face the challenge of delivering a quality service which meets people’s changing needs with reducing resources. We want to make sure that their countryside sites are looked after in ways that most benefits people and wildlife and gives local people an opportunity to play a key role.
All sites will continue to remain in the ownership of the County Council but we are looking for new ways to manage them which could involve other organisations or local groups of interested people.
As part of this, the County Council are inviting residents of Staffordshire and visitors to the sites to take part in a 12 week public consultation which looks at four options on the future management of Staffordshire County Council's countryside estate.
For your information and to take part in the consulation please visit www.staffordshire.gov.uk/environment/eLand/Countryside/Countryside-Review/Countryside-Estate-Consultation.aspx