Elmore Park toilets to be replaced

Councillor Rob Hughes

Published: Friday, 26th August 2022

Cannock Chase Council’s Cabinet have agreed to a £110k scheme to replace the toilet facilities at Elmore Park in Rugeley.

This decision follows Cabinet agreeing to a feasibility study in January 2020, to assess the costs and practicalities to improve the toilets.  There was also community and local Councillor concerns being expressed in relation to the poor condition of the existing toilets.  

The scheme will include demolishing the existing toilet block and re-building a new toilet block, with one male and one female, with both toilets being classified as accessible and in the same location.

The new facility would be fully compliant with the current building regulations and will be designed to meet the requirements of a low carbon future.  Existing paving flags would need to be levelled and re-laid to suit levels.  

Councillor Rob Hughes, Portfolio Leader for Innovations and Resources said “It has been long recognised that the toilet facilities at Elmore Park are in a very poor condition.  I would like to thank officers for finding a solution that has been an ongoing problem for both Rugeley Members and the community.

“The building is not only dated but doesn’t meet the current standards required.  I strongly believe that having public toilet facilities, will encourage more people to use the park, which will in turn help to improve both their physical and mental health.”

Cabinet have also agreed to pause Phase 2 works associated with the Stadium to allow a re-evaluation of the scheme to take place, and to release funding back into the Council’s capital programme.

The proposed scheme will be added to the Council’s Capital Programme and revenue costs will be included within the Elmore Park budget for ongoing maintenance and repairs.

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