Fire at Oak Tree Farm

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Published: Wednesday 07th September 2016 | 10.13am

Several hundred tonnes of accumulated wood waste caught fire at Oak Tree Farm, Slitting Mill in Rugeley on Monday 5th September.  Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service were called out to deal with the fire.

Cannock Chase Council’s Environmental Health staff have visited the site to liaise with the Fire Service in determining the best way to control the fire and limit the release of smoke and pollutants. Mechanical diggers were brought in to restrict the spread of the fire.

Representatives from Network Rail were also at the scene given the proximity of the railway.

The potential air quality impact has been assessed by officials from the Environment Agency and Public Health England who have concluded that air quality monitoring is not required. The volume of smoke that was emitted was not significant and likely to disperse readily. The smell of smoke is likely to be evident in the area for some time but is not considered to present a health hazard to local residents.

The farm’s owner has previously been successfully prosecuted by Cannock Chase Council and was heavily fined for waste-related offences. However, on this occasion the Environment Agency and Staffordshire County Council’s Planning Department are the enforcing authorities as they are already investigating the activities of both the landowner and the operator of the wood waste business at the site. A full investigation into the circumstances of this incident is anticipated.

Councillor John Preece, Environment Portfolio Leader said:  “This fire has obviously caused great concern to the residents of Slitting Mill and the surrounding area. I know that local residents have been very worried about the possible effects of the smoke. We have contacted the Environment Agency and Public Health England for advice and were informed that air quality monitoring was not required, given the size of the fire and the material burning. Council Officers will be working closely with the other enforcing authorities in the aftermath of the incident with a view to preventing anything similar happening again.”

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