Published: Monday 05th February 2024 | 4.37pm
Residents and businesses have one last chance to comment on the Cannock Chase Local Plan 2018 - 2040 before it is submitted to the Government’s Planning Inspectorate for independent examination.
The Local Plan looks at future development and addresses the needs of the District, such as housing and employment land. It also identifies where development should take place and where is should be restricted.
This final version is in accordance with Regulation 19 of the Town and Country (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. It is intended to replace the existing Cannock Chase Local Plan (Part 1) 2014 and will eventually be adopted by the Council.
At this final stage of consultation, the Council is seeking views as to whether the Local Plan is legally compliant and meets the tests of ‘soundness’ as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework at This covers the plan being `positively prepared, is justified, is effective and is in line with national planning laws`.
Over a six-week period the public will have the opportunity to make their views known on the finalised plans and associated documents. The consultation will run from Monday 5 February until 5pm on Friday 18 March.
The plan and all related information can be found via the home page of This then takes you through to specific pages at where comments can be submitted. The documents also explain what legally compliant means in addition to more information on meeting the tests of `soundness`.
Councillor Josh Newbury, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Leader for Regeneration and High Streets said: "This is the very last round of consultation before the plan is formally submitted. We want to make sure that everyone has plenty of opportunity to look at all the documents and give any final feedback.
"As well as being available on the Council's website, hard copies of the materials are available in the District's libraries, and at Burntwood Library.
"Staff from the planning team will be on hand at in person drop-in sessions at various venues in the area to discuss the Local Plan - dates and times are listed on our website, again at There is also the option to write to the team by post or email."
To write to the Council about the Local Plan, residents and businesses should address correspondence to Planning Policy, Civic Centre, PO Box 28, Beecroft Road, Cannock, Staffordshire WS11 1BG or email Alternatively, they can call 01543 462621 and ask for Planning Policy.
Councillor Josh Newbury, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Leader for Regeneration and High Streets.