Leisure concession scheme approved 

Councillor Adrienne Fitzgerald

Published: Friday, 17th June 2022

Cannock Chase Council’s Cabinet have approved, the revised leisure concessions for specific residents in the District.

This year residents that receive any of the following benefits and care leavers between 18-25, will qualify for a concessionary membership.

Benefits include: 

•    Housing Benefit

•    Income Support

•    Job Seekers’ Allowance

•    Working Families Tax Credit

•    Carers Allowance

•    Universal Credit

•    Disability Access

•    Refugee Status (UNCHR 1951)

The concession scheme for Armed Forces was first introduced by Inspiring Healthy Lifestyles, on behalf of Cannock Chase Council in 2012, and has been running ever since. This year Cabinet have approved that the concession scheme for our Armed Forces shall be made permanent.

Residents qualifying for concessionary membership, will receive, at a discounted

rate to access to the following at Chase and Rugeley Leisure Centres:

•    Inclusive access to gyms offering cardio, resistance, functional, weight and stretch zones

•    Inclusive access to swimming pools

•    Inclusive access to full fitness class programme

•    8-day priority advanced booking online or via the leisure hub

•    Access to free WIFI in IHL centres

•    Up to 50% off other activities and services

•    Free personalised fitness induction

•    Free access to an expert fitness instructor, who’ll create individuals a personalised exercise programme

•    Card holders are entitled to 50% discount on activities including:

o    Direct debit memberships

o    Annual memberships

o    Swimming

o    Swimming lessons

o    Fitness sessions

o    Golf

Councillor Adrienne Fitzgerald, Portfolio Leader for Housing, Heritage and Leisure said “I am really pleased that Cabinet have approved this scheme, not only on a permanent basis for our Armed Forces residents, but also for residents receiving certain benefits.  We want to increase access to physical activity and healthy lifestyles in Cannock Chase, and this scheme fits the bill perfectly.”

It is proposed there will be new membership packages for those residents over sixty and under the age of eighteen. These will be launched this summer.

Applicants are required to apply for a Lifestyle Membership Card, provide proof of residency and proof of eligibility.

The scheme will be reviewed again in 12 months.


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