Local business invited to get free support

Business event

Published: Tuesday, 12th March 2024

Businesses across Cannock Chase District are invited to a free ‘Business Support Breakfast Meeting’ hosted by Cannock Chase Council in partnership with Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire Growth Hub and funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).

Businesses will be able to meet a variety of experts, access free business advice, learn about grants available and build connections with partners including Birmingham City Council (BCC) offering their West Midlands SME grant programme, Staffordshire University, Chambers of Commerce detailing their offer of start up support and established business networking, plus many more business providers. These are projects funded by the District’s UKSPF Investment Plan.

The meeting will take place on Tuesday 19 March from 8am until 10:30am at the Civic Centre in Cannock.  To book a place scan the QR code or click on the link below:

Business eventhttps://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/cannock-chase-district-business-support-event-2024-tickets-856802357917

Councillor Josh Newbury, Deputy Leader of the Council and Portfolio Leader for Regeneration and High Streets said “This breakfast meeting is aimed at helping businesses grow, with the help of the fully funded practical support that is available to them.  This is a unique opportunity to meet all the providers of business support, advice and skills for businesses in Cannock Chase.  I hope you can find some free time to come down to meet experts.”

Our UKSPF project partners will be in attendance. BCC, West Midlands SME Grant Programme, Staffordshire County Council, Enterprise Advice and Business Support Programme including our dedicated Growth Hub Advisor - Richard Carty, Staffordshire University, Net Zero Pathfinder & Go Digital Accelerator plus much more.

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