Local Plan moves to the next stage

Councillor Mike Sutherland

Published: Friday, 26th August 2022

Cannock Chase Council’s Cabinet have agreed the pre-submission document for the Cannock Chase Local Plan 2018-2039: Regulation 19 Consultation.

The regulation 19 report is the next stage of the review of the Cannock Chase Local Plan and is the last stage until it is formally submitted.

The Local Plan looks at future development and address the needs of the District, such as housing and employment land.  It also identifies where development should take place and where is should be restricted.

The current Local Plan (Part 1) was adopted in 2014.  Work stopped on the Local Plan (Part 2) following Council resolution in February 2018 to enable a full review, that would incorporate Part 1 and Part 2 in a new Local Plan.

Council’s Cabinet have also agreed to a six-week consultation on the Cannock Chase District Local Plan Regulation 19 document and supporting documentation, which will be carried out in line with the Council’s adopted Statement of Community Involvement 2022.

Councillor Mike Sutherland, Portfolio Leader for District and High Street Development said “This is the last stage before the Cannock Chase Local Plan 2018-2039 is formally submitted. The six-week consultation is an important stage. Where residents can view the plans and make comments on the proposals.  There will be events across the District, where residents can view the documentation.”

It is intended that consultation is carried out between September and October this year.

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